Certificate in Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy - Feva Works IT Education Centre

Certificate in Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy IP15CONTENT
FevaWorks 22 周年特別優惠

於4月16日或之前報名,可免費獲得 iPad 9th generation (價值$ 2,599) 或可享超級優惠價 $5,999 換購最新 iPhone 15 Pro 128GB (價值$ 8,599) 免費送你 i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年),價值 $1999。

你亦可以優惠價升級至其他型號包括 iPhone 15 Pro Max 等等。


全面學習 Content Marketing, Storytelling, Blog Marketing, WordPress Website Optimization, SEO Copywriting, Email Copywriting, YouTube SEO, Instagram Hashtags Strategy, LinkedIn Marketing, X (Twitter) Marketing , KOL Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Digital PR, Online Reputation Management, Online Crisis Management, SEO Press Release,  Ecommerce Content Marketing, Conversion Rate Optimization, Ecommerce Email Marketing 等等

掌握 Content Marketing 技能者得天下

在「資訊爆炸」時代之下,每人每日所接收的資訊量已 20 年前的 5 倍,致使傳統廣告的宣傳效力正在不斷下降.有鑑於此,可口可樂、P&G、IBM 等知名企業近幾年已投入大量資源推行內容營銷(Content Marketing),透過高質量內容吸引消費者眼球。


根據美國 Association of National Advertisers 的一項調查,市場營銷人員在未來兩年會將內容營銷方面的支出增加73%。由此可見,內容營銷已被各大小企業視為品牌營銷部署的重要一環。


不直接宣傳產品又能圍繞在產品周圍,並找出潛藏的顧客又能讓顧客喜歡,這正是內容營銷的手段。它的出現方式既可以是 YouTube 影片、Instagram 相片、LinkedIn 長文、Twitter 推文、或 Influencer Content 網紅創作內容,也可以是 Blog Post 網誌文章、E-book 電子書、E-newsletter電子報、Press Release 新聞稿、Product Description 產品描述,甚至是整個網站的內容。



想做好內容營銷,又不知從何入手?Fevaworks 誠意為大家打造【Certificate in Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy】課程,涵蓋範疇從內容選材構思、文案創作關鍵、品牌聲譽維護、公關危機處理、網紅營銷績效衡量,到 YouTube / Instagram / LinkedIn / X (Twitter) 行銷部署。

又會教你如何用 WordPress Woocommerce 自建網站,並作出針對性的 SEO 優化,還會向你傳授 Blog Post、E-newsletter、Social Media Post、Press Release 的內容布局與寫作竅門,幫助你超前部署內容營銷與社交媒體策略,提高品牌曝光度,建立出用戶心佔率(Mind Share)!



1. 想增加網頁流量的網站營運者

2. 想用小預算創造吸睛內容的中小企業老闆

3. 想自我增值、提升職場競爭力的數碼營銷從業員

4. 想擁抱數碼轉型、利用內容營銷創造更多商機的各行各業人士

5.曾修讀 Certificate in Digital Marketing、想深造內容營銷技能的學員

6. 曾修讀 Certificate in ChatGPT for Marketing & Ecommerce、想深造內容營銷技能的學員



Mr. Leung

Mr. Leung is a Digital Marketing Coach & Consultant with 20 years of progressive experience in online media operations, web analytics, digital marketing, and content strategy.

He has played a leading role in a wide range of digital projects including infotainment portal, online community, e-commerce system, location-based platform, and mobile app, providing in-depth technical evaluation and strategic marketing proposals to meet the evolving demands from the public users and the corporate clients.

As an experienced digital marketer, Mr. Leung has delivered lectures on a range of programs from Search Engine Optimization & Content Marketing to Social Media Strategy & Digital Marketing Analytics in different local educational institutes. Having graduated with a Master of Science in Business Information Technology at Middlesex University London, he has developed both his practical and theoretical knowledge in digital media.




若想更了解以上資訊,歡迎致電 3106 8211 查詢。
Module 1: Content Marketing Strategy
1.1 Relationship between Content Marketing & SEO
1.2 Understand Content Marketing Funnel
1.3 Content Strategy: Hero, Hub, Hygiene Content
1.4 Principles of Effective Storytelling
1.5 Channel Strategy: Paid, Owned, Earned, Shared Media
1.6 Create Strategic Content Editorial Calendar
Module 2: Blog Marketing
2.1 Blogging Strategy for Content Marketing
2.2 Understand Search Intent-based Marketing
2.3 SEO Copywriting: for Better Content & Search Rankings
2.4 Write a SEO-friendly Listicle Post
2.5 Create a Compelling Title with Power Words
2.6 Formulate Call-to-Action (CTA) Strategy

2.7 Leverage E-book Strategy for Lead Generation
Module 3: WordPress Site Strategy
3.1 Understand WordPress Hosting & Installation
3.2 Add WordPress Theme & Plugins
3.3 Plan, Create & Share Web Content
3.4 Optimize WordPress Site for SEO
3.5 Use MailChimp with WordPress to Capture Leads
3.6 Email Copywriting: Crafting Subject Line & Body Copy
3.7 Develop KPIs for Content Marketing Campaigns
Module 4: YouTube Marketing
4.1 Understand & Beat YouTube Algorithm
4.2 Create & Customize YouTube Channel
4.3 Optimize YouTube Video for SEO
4.4 Best Video Types for YouTube Marketing
4.5 Tricks to Increase YouTube Subscribers
4.6 Tactics for Making YouTube Shorts
4.7 Utilize YouTube Analytics & Reporting
Module 5: Instagram Marketing
5.1 Instagram vs Facebook: Which One You Should Use
5.2 Optimize Instagram Profile & Caption for SEO
5.3 Tips for Great Instagram Photos
5.4 Rules for Awesome Instagram Posts
5.5 Utilize Instagram Hashtag to Increase Visibility
5.6 Cool IG Story, Reel and Video Ideas for More Engagement
5.7 Evaluate Performance by Instagram Insights
Module 6: LinkedIn + X (Twitter) + Influencer Marketing
6.1 Establish LinkedIn Company & Showcase Page
6.2 Set Up X (Twitter) Professional Profile
6.3 Develop Content Marketing Plan for LinkedIn & X (Twitter)
6.4 Formulate Hashtag Strategy for LinkedIn & X (Twitter)
6.5 Smart Ways to Find Appropriate Influencers
6.6 Measure Performance of Influencer Campaigns
Module 7: Online PR + Crisis Management
7.1 Recommend Social Listening Tools
7.2 Develop & Maintain Online Reputation
7.3 Devise Testimonial Strategy to Establish Credibility
7.4 Grow & Build Online Community
7.5 PR Copywriting: Write a SEO-optimized Press Release
7.6 Understand Online Crisis Management Procedure
7.7 Identify KPIs Measurement for Public Relations
Module 8: Ecommerce Content Marketing
8.1 How To Create An Online Store With Woocommerce
8.2 Develop Conversion Rate Optimization Strategy to Increase Sales
8.3 Write Effective Product Descriptions for Online Store
8.4 Devise Ecommerce SEO Strategy to Drive More Traffic
8.5 Build Effective Landing Pages to Improve Conversions
8.6 Understand Ecommerce Email Marketing Best Practices




合共: 24小時

課程費用: $5000

於4月16日或之前報名,可免費獲得 iPad 9th generation (價值$ 2,599) 或可享超級優惠價 $5,999 換購最新 iPhone 15 Pro 128GB (價值$ 8,599) 免費送你 i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年),價值 $1999。

你亦可以優惠價升級至其他型號包括 iPhone 15 Pro Max 等等。






退款安排: 本中心備有完善之退款政策及程序。學生將會於報讀課程前獲發有關之文件,學員亦可按此閱讀。


本中心備有完善之免費補堂,免費重讀及彈性上課安排 (民航處認可課程/攝影課程除外),令學員更有保障。

本中心榮獲各大國際機構 (Adobe, Autodesk, Microsoft, H3C, Lenovo, Corel, Prometric, VUE, Certiport, Wacom 等等) 邀請成為香港區指定的認可教育中心及連續15+ 年榮獲香港社會服務聯會嘉許為「商界展關懷」公司,以表揚 Feva Works 對社會的貢獻。

除此之外,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲 Microsoft 頒發全港最佳 Microsoft 授權培訓中心 (Best Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions of the Year) 及被 Adobe 選定為 Adobe CS4 & CS5 & CS6 & Creative Cloud 指定認可培訓中心。最近,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲e-zone 電腦雜誌頒發最佳IT培訓中心。

部份課程提供混合模式上課,學生可因應情況選擇以網上方式或面授方式上課。想進一步查詢詳情,可致電熱線 3106 8211。
本中心歡迎各公司、機構或團體包團報讀課程,安排公司活動或同事培訓。想進一步查詢詳情,可致電熱線 3748 9826。
日期 2024/05/20 - 2024/07/22
時間 19:00-22:00 (MON)
合共 24小時
地點 網上 Online / 網上 Online**
費用 $ 5000

日期 2024/07/09 - 2024/08/27
時間 19:00-22:00 (TUE)
合共 24小時
地點 網上 Online / 網上 Online**
費用 $ 5000