CEF 認可 Certificate for Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & InDesign
若想更了解以上資訊,歡迎致電 3106 8211 查詢。
課程費用: $6000




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理論: 0小時 實習: 30小時 示範: 0小時

合共: 30小時


Certificate for Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign

Module 1: Learning the Illustrator
  • Getting to know the Illustrator Workspace
  • Applying colour
  • Working with basic drawing tools
  • Handling objects & Layers
  • Working with advanced drawing tools and pen tools
  • Handling images and Clipping masks
  • Saving, Exporting & Printing
  • Advertisement and Packaging design


Module 2: Learning the Photoshop

  • Getting to know Photoshop Workspace
  • Understanding Image
  • Colour and Layer Usage
  • Selection; Drawing and Painting
  • Image Adjustment
  • Repair and Restoration
  • Masking and Compositing
  • Filters and Effects
  • Video Editing & Frame Animation


Module 3: Learning the InDesign

  • Getting to know InDesign Workspace
  • Drawing and Colouring
  • Page and Frame usage in InDesign
  • Handling of Text and Graphic elements in InDesign
  • Typography
  • Master Page Setup
  • Styles Management
  • Table Setup
  • Interactive Panel
  • Automation Function
  • Export and Publish Setting


Module 4: Class works and Integrated Projects Presentation

  • Class works and Final Project Presentation

Assessment Methods

The overall contributions to the final results are 60% for Continuous Assessments and 40% for Final Assessment.

Certificate for Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign will be awarded to those who have:


  • Must be at least 50% or such higher passing mark for both Continuous Assessments and Final Assessment; AND
  • Attended at least 70% of the total contact hours.
Admission Requirements

Applicants should fulfil the following admission requirements:


  • Completion of F.5 (under the HKCEE academic structure) or equivalent; OR
  • Completion of Secondary 6 (under the HKDSE academic structure) or equivalent; OR
  • Aged 18 or above at the time when the course commenced, plus two years of work experience.


如有任何有關課程之查詢,歡迎致電 3106 8211 與我們的客戶關係主任聯絡。
日期 15/8/2024~24/10/2024 (THU)
時間 19:00~22:00 
合共 30 小時
上課地點 北角分校
課程費用 $ 6000

日期 16/8/2024~25/10/2024 (FRI)
時間 19:00~22:00 
合共 30 小時
上課地點 長沙灣分校
課程費用 $ 6000

日期 24/8/2024~21/9/2024 (SAT)
時間 10:30~17:30 
合共 30 小時
上課地點 長沙灣分校
課程費用 $ 6000

日期 2/9/2024~30/9/2024 (MON)
時間 10:30~17:30 
合共 30 小時
上課地點 長沙灣分校
課程費用 $ 6000

日期 10/9/2024~26/11/2024 (TUE)
時間 19:00~22:00 
合共 30 小時
上課地點 長沙灣分校
課程費用 $ 6000