Certificate in Interactive Design using Figma Professional
若想更了解以上資訊,歡迎致電 3106 8211 查詢。
課程費用: $3000





退款安排: 本中心備有完善之退款政策及程序。學生將會於報讀課程前獲發有關之文件,學員亦可按此閱讀。
質素保證: 本中心備有完善之免費補堂,免費重讀及彈性上課安排,令學員更有保障。
理論: 0小時 實習: 12小時 示範: 0小時

合共: 12小時


Module 1 - Basic skills on Figma 
  • Installing & signing up for Figma
  • Ways to Subscribe a plan (students are required to join Figma Professional subscription for some features)
  • Create, Open & Save file
  • Drawing Shapes
  • Text and fonts
  • Spacing & Alignment
  • Using Frames
  • Create Fill, Stroke & Effects Styles
  • Useful plugins for Figma
  • Basic Auto Layout
Module 2 – Advance Scrolling Effects
  • Responsive Auto Layout (Wrap)
  • Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Effects with Auto Layout
  • Parallax Effect on Scrolling
Module 3 - Image Slider Animation
  • Building IG Image Slider with Auto Layout
  • Create button component variant
  • Building Slide elements with different variants
  • Interactive prototype – On click/Tap trigger
  • Interactive prototype – On drag
Module 4 – Prototype eCommerce Shopping cart checkout
  • Building eCommerce UI
  • What's a Variable
  • Creating Dynamic content using Variable
  • Usage on Collections and Groups
  • Creating Shopping Cart variables
  • Prototype an interactive counter
  • Prototype with Conditional Logic actions
  • Creating Boolean Variable
  • Prototype Conditional Boolean effect
  • Set variables for price
如有任何有關課程之查詢,歡迎致電 3106 8211 與我們的客戶關係主任聯絡。
日期 28/8/2024~25/9/2024 (WED)
時間 19:00~22:00 
合共 12 小時
上課地點 長沙灣分校
課程費用 $ 1500

日期 11/9/2024~25/9/2024 (WED)
時間 10:30~17:30 
合共 12 小時
上課地點 長沙灣分校
課程費用 $ 1500