Certificate in ChatGPT for Marketing & Ecommerce
若想更了解以上資訊,歡迎致電 3106 8211 查詢。
課程費用: $5000





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理論: 0小時 實習: 12小時 示範: 0小時

合共: 12小時



Module 1: Introduction to ChatGPT and AI Prompts

  • What is Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and How OpenAI ChatGPT Works
  • How toRegister OpenAI Account and Interact with ChatGPT for Marketing Purposes
  • Understand AI Prompts and How to Talk to ChatGPT
  • Write Effective AI Prompts that Generate Insightful and Unique Responses from ChatGPT
  • Understand Other ChatGPT-liked Chatbots including Microsoft Bing Chat, Google Bard, and Quora Poe
  • Discuss Ethical Considerations for Using Generative AI in Digital Marketing


Module 2: ChatGPT Usage for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Prompt ChatGPT to Cluster Keywords based on Marketing Funnel Stages & Search Intents
  • Craft Compelling Title Tag and Meta Description with the Aid of ChatGPT
  • Optimize Web Content with ChatGPT to Produce High-quality Copy that Ranks on Higher on Search Engine Result Page (SERP)
  • Use ChatGPT to Help Implement Basic Technical SEO Tactics
  • Leverage ChatGPT to Backlink Outreach Strategy and Find Popular Websites in Your Niche


Module 3: ChatGPT Usage for Content & Social Media Marketing

  • Use ChatGPT to Perform Content Research and Generate Topic Ideas that Ensure Your Content Dazzles Your Audience
  • Leverage ChatGPT to Conjure Up Rock-solid Outlines that Lay the Groundwork for Your Articles and Blog Posts
  • Request ChatGPT to Lend a Helping Hand in Proofreading & Polishing Your Content
  • Utilize ChatGPT to Build Different Types of Long-form Content like Blog Posts and E-books
  • Prompt ChatGPT to Spark Social Media Post Ideas and Whip Up the Engaging Captions for Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook
  • Command ChatGPT to Create Mesmerizing Subject Lines and Email Copy that Bewitch Your Subscribers


Module 4: ChatGPT Usage for Ecommerce Marketing & Advertising

  • Prompt ChatGPT to Identify Ecommerce Market Opportunities & Trends
  • Request ChatGPT to Assess Ecommerce Competitor Marketing Tactics & Product Offering
  • Utilize ChatGPT to Explore Audience Demographics for Your Products and Segment Your Customer
  • Leverage ChatGPT to Produce Catchy Ecommerce Product Name & Persuasive Product Descriptions
  • Use ChatGPT Prompt for Building Conversion-worthy Ecommerce Landing Pages
  • Command ChatGPT to Create Compelling Facebook Ads & Google Ads that Get Your Promotion Message and Drive More Conversions



Note: The course outline is subject to change based on the needs and requirements of the students and the latest updates in the market.


如有任何有關課程之查詢,歡迎致電 3106 8211 與我們的客戶關係主任聯絡。
日期 24/8/2024~25/8/2024 (SUN,SAT)
時間 10:00~17:00 
合共 12 小時
上課地點 網上 Online Live (Microsoft Teams)
課程費用 $ 5000

日期 20/9/2024~18/10/2024 (FRI)
時間 19:00~22:00 
合共 12 小時
上課地點 網上 Online Live (Microsoft Teams)
課程費用 $ 5000