CEF 認可 Certificate in Digital Marketing - Feva Works IT Education Centre

CEF 認可 Certificate in Digital Marketing CEFDM

資歷名冊登記號碼: 23/000106/L3

本資歷名冊課程的登記有效日期:2023/04/01 – 2025/03/31


CEF 課程編號:33C148358




全面學習 Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO, Keyword Research, PPC Advertising, Search Engine Marketing SEM, Paid Search Marketing, Display Advertising, Google Display Network GDN, Facebook Marketing, Facebook Pixel, Retargeting, Remarketing, Mobile Marketing, Mobile SEO, Local SEO, App Marketing, App Store Optimization ASO, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Web Analytics, E-commerce Tracking, Conversion Tracking, SMART Objectives & KPIs等等


新冠肺炎疫情對全球就業市場造成巨大衝擊,不少企業在經濟低迷下被迫裁員或減少招聘人手,但熱門工種的招聘卻沒有受到影響。全球最大求職平台LinkedIn分析了15,000個職缺資料,歸納出最搶手的15大職業,數碼行銷從業員(Digital Marketer)正是其中之一。


企業要抓住消費者的目光,必須仰賴數碼行銷人員對搜尋引擎優化(Search Engine Optimization,SEO)、數碼廣告(Digital Advertising)、電郵行銷(Email Marketing)的精準操作。因此,LinkedIn鼓勵求職者要保持終身學習的心態,為未來進入數碼轉型作好準備。

助你全方位掌握 數碼行銷策略+技能

有見及此,Fevaworks 特別為大家帶來【Certificate in Digital Marketing】課程,教授數碼行銷10大必學技能,包括:SEO 搜尋引擎優化、關鍵字探勘調查、PPC關鍵字廣告製作、展示式廣告操盤技巧、Facebook 廣告策略部署、eDM電郵推廣企劃、Mobile平台營銷戰術、APP 宣傳攻略、網站流量數據洞察、以及數碼營銷策略規劃。

本課程為期 30 小時,透過業內數碼行銷專家的授課,藉由理論輔以實例的講學,全方位教授數碼營銷的策略思維與實戰技能,幫助學員提升職場競爭力。


1. 各行各業,想了解數碼營銷策略的業者

2. 想自我增值、提升職場競爭力的數碼行銷從業員

3. 想學習SEO技能、晉身為搜尋引擎優化專員的求職者

4. 想善用數碼廣告預算、進行業務推廣的中小企業老闆

5. 曾修讀 Certificate in Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy、想進入更廣闊營銷領域的學員





Mr. Choi 擁有超過20年的傳媒管理、數碼營銷與數碼平台系統開發經驗,曾經主管網上新聞、網媒業務發展與資訊科技開發部門。他帶領團隊整合應用程式與內容數據系統、改革內容管理、採用大數據分析、讀者行為研究,成功令一間傳統媒體躍升為每月用戶量最高的香港新聞與生活資訊網媒之一。



Mr. Rondo Mak 擁有豐富的社交媒體內容營銷經驗,於2017年參與曾俊華特首競選辦,為其競選活動營運社交媒體;及後接手經營清潔龍阿德的Facebook專頁,客戶涵蓋各大品牌和政府部門,擅長按客戶需要訂立合適的社交媒體策略,並將各類繁瑣資訊化為吸引眼球的內容。




若想更了解以上資訊,歡迎致電 3106 8211 查詢。
Certificate in Digital Marketing

1. Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Analyze Customer Journey, Marketing Funnel, and Digital Touchpoints
  • Utilize See-Think-Do-Care Model to Develop a Digital Channel Mix Plan
  • Define Digital Marketing Objectives that meets SMART Criteria
  • Understand Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Leverage Digital Measurement Plan to Identify the KPIs That Matter
  • Structure an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy


2. Keyword Research

  • Learn About Most Recent Big Changes in Google Search Algorithm
  • Find Profitable Long Tail Keywords that are Easy to Rank For
  • Brainstorm Seed keywords in Your Niche to Generate a List of Keyword Ideas
  • Keyword Research Tips for Google Keyword Planner and Google Trends
  • Use Google Search Console to See How Well Your Website Rank in Search Engine


3. SEO Strategy

  • Technical SEO: What Need to be Checked Regularly and What Need to be Avoided
  • On-Page SEO: How to Optimize Your Web Content with Proper On-page SEO Techniques
  • Off-Page SEO: How to Do Proper Off-page SEO for Your Website & Avoid Critical Mistakes
  • Optimize Keywords in Your Webpage Content and Meta Tags
  • Create Backlinks and Internal links with Unique Content and Proper Keyword Optimization
  • Understand What are XML Sitemaps and How to Create it for Your Website


4. Paid Search Advertising

  • Create Google Ads account and Launch Optimized Google Search Ads Campaign
  • Write Effective Responsive Search Ads and Ad Extensions
  • Use Conversion Tracking to Determine the Value of Your Ad Campaigns
  • Choose the Right Bidding Strategy to Spend Less and Gain More
  • Understand the Quality Score and Improve it to Decrease Cost per Click
  • Monitor Google Search Ads Performance


5. Display Advertising

  • Create Display Ads to Show Your Ads on Google Display Network (GDN)
  • Understand What are Uploaded Display Ads and Responsive Display Ads
  • Optimize Display Ads and Landing Pages to Increase Conversion Rate
  • Set Up the Campaign Budget, Ad Schedule, and Location and Language Targeting
  • Discover the Right Audiences Based on Interest and Content to Target on GDN
  • Launch Remarketing Ads Campaign to Convert, Up-sell, and Retain Customers
  • Learn About Google Ads Policies and Rules


6. Facebook Advertising

  • Properly Create Facebook Page and Structure Facebook Ad Campaigns
  • Choose the Best Placements to Show Your Facebook Ads in the Most Effective Places
  • Write Engaging Captions to Encourage Your Audience Interacting with Your Facebook Ads
  • Utilize Saved Audience to Reach the Targeted Consumers through Facebook Ads
  • Leverage Custom Audiences to Deploy Retargeting Facebook Ads
  • Analyze and Manage Facebook Advertising Results in Meta Ads Manager
  • Understand What Key Facebook Ad Policies You Need to be Aware Of


7. Mobile Marketing

  • Mobile Site vs Mobile App: Which One You Should Use
  • Use Mobile SEO to Improve Mobile Site Search Ranking
  • Understand What are Responsive Web Design (RWD) and Dynamic Serving
  • Properly Optimize a Local Business Website for Maximum Local SEO Benefit
  • Add Your Local Business to Google and Optimize the Listing in Google Business Profile
  • Use Mobile Ads Campaign with Appropriate Bid Adjustment to Reach Mobile Consumers


8. App Marketing

  • Understand App Marketing Funnel: Awareness, Acquisition, and Retention
  • Get featured in Apple App Store and Google Play Store
  • Utilize App Store Optimization (ASO) to Boost App Downloads
  • Leverage Google App Campaign to Encourage App Installs and In-app Actions
  • Use Facebook Ad Campaign with App Promotion Objective to Drive App Downloads
  • Implement Mobile Deep Linking to Optimize App User Experience

9. Email Marketing

  • Build an Email List from Scratch with the Right Tools and Information
  • Leverage Lead Generation to Attract Interested Prospects
  • Optimize Lead Capture and Lead Magnets to Convert Prospects into Leads
  • Perform List Segmentation that Help You Send the Right Person the Right Message
  • Avoid Spam Filters to Ensure Your Emails Landing in the Subscriber Inbox
  • Learn About Privacy Law that Impact the Digital and Email Marketing


10. Web Analytics

  • Understand the Essential Analytics Tool: Google Analytics (GA)
  • Set Up Google Analytics 4 Account and See How Your Website is Performing
  • Analyze All the Reports in Google Analytics – Acquisition Reports, Engagement Report, Monetization Reports, and Retention Reports,
  • Identify What Pages of Your Website are the Most Popular
  • Find Out Which Digital Marketing Activities are Bringing in the Most Website Visitors
  • Discover the Age, Gender, and Location of Your Website's Visitors
  • Segment Your Data to Explore Unique Business Insights
Assessment Methods

The overall contributions to the final results are 40% for Continuous Assessments and 60% for Final Assessment.

Certificate in Digital Marketing will be awarded to those who have:
  • Must be at least 50% or such higher passing mark for both Continuous Assessments and Final Assessment; AND
  • Attended at least 70% of the total contact hours.

Admission Requirements

Applicants should fulfil the following admission requirements:
  • Completion of F.5 (under the HKCEE academic structure) or equivalent; OR
  • Completion of Secondary 6 (under the HKDSE academic structure) or equivalent; OR
  • Aged 18 or above at the time when the course commenced, plus two years of work experience.




合共: 30小時

課程費用: $7500

成功申請持續進修基金後: 低至 $ 1500

課程已加入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內,符合資格的申請人於成功修畢基金課程後,可不限次數申領合共最多25,000港元的資助。 首10,000港元資助的學員共付比率(即學員須自行承擔的費用的百分比)為課程費用的20%,而餘下15,000港元資助的學員共付比率則為課程費用的40%。


持續進修基金為有志進修的成年人提供持續教育和培訓資助。 符合資格的申請人於成功修畢基金課程後,可不限次數申領合共最多25,000港元的資助。 首10,000港元資助的學員共付比率(即學員須自行承擔的費用的百分比)為課程費用的20%,而餘下15,000港元資助的學員共付比率則為課程費用的40%。




為鼓勵市民自我增值,政府會提高持續進修基金的資助上限,由每人10,000元增至 25,000元,過去曾開立基金帳戶的市民亦可受惠。同時,政府會將申請年齡上限撤銷,並撤銷申領的時限和次數限制



持續進修基金網頁: https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef

持續進修基金24小時專人接聽熱線:3142 2277


本課程在資歷架構下獲得認可 ( 資歷架構第3級 )





退款安排: 本中心備有完善之退款政策及程序。學生將會於報讀課程前獲發有關之文件,學員亦可按此閱讀。


本中心備有完善之免費補堂,免費重讀及彈性上課安排 (民航處認可課程/攝影課程除外),令學員更有保障。

本中心榮獲各大國際機構 (Adobe, Autodesk, Microsoft, H3C, Lenovo, Corel, Prometric, VUE, Certiport, Wacom 等等) 邀請成為香港區指定的認可教育中心及連續15+ 年榮獲香港社會服務聯會嘉許為「商界展關懷」公司,以表揚 Feva Works 對社會的貢獻。

除此之外,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲 Microsoft 頒發全港最佳 Microsoft 授權培訓中心 (Best Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions of the Year) 及被 Adobe 選定為 Adobe CS4 & CS5 & CS6 & Creative Cloud 指定認可培訓中心。最近,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲e-zone 電腦雜誌頒發最佳IT培訓中心。

本中心歡迎各公司、機構或團體包團報讀課程,安排公司活動或同事培訓。想進一步查詢詳情,可致電熱線 3748 9826。
日期 2024/11/30 - 2025/02/08
時間 10:30-13:30 (SAT)
合共 30小時
地點 長沙灣分校
費用 $ 7500
減免後* 低至 $ 1500 

日期 2024/12/17 - 2025/03/18
時間 19:00-22:00 (TUE)
合共 30小時
地點 長沙灣分校
費用 $ 7500
減免後* 低至 $ 1500 

日期 2025/01/16 - 2025/04/03
時間 19:00-22:00 (THU)
合共 30小時
地點 長沙灣分校
費用 $ 7500
減免後* 低至 $ 1500