Certificate in Microsoft 365 (前稱 Microsoft Office) - Feva Works IT Education Centre

Certificate in Microsoft 365 (前稱 Microsoft Office) MASTEROFFICE19
FevaWorks 22 周年特別優惠

於10月24日或之前報名,可享超級優惠價 $1500 (原價: $4,980) 及免費送你 i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年),價值 $1999

免費送你 Microsoft 365 個人版 (12個月, 盒裝版),價值 $540


Office 現在就是 Microsoft 365


全新的 Microsoft 365 可讓您使用您最愛的應用程式,在單一位置建立、共用和共同作業!

Microsoft 365 是由 Microsoft 開發的一套全面的生產力和協作工具套件。它將傳統的 Office 套件(包括 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 等應用程式)與各種基於雲端的服務結合在一起,如電子郵件、檔案儲存和通訊工具。

Microsoft 365 旨在為個人和組織提供一系列功能和功能,以提高生產力,簡化溝通,並促進協作。以下是 Microsoft 365 的一些關鍵組成部分:

Office 應用程式:Microsoft 365 包括最新版本的常用 Office 應用程式,如 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和 Outlook。這些應用程式可以安裝在桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦、平板電腦和智慧型手機上,用戶可以跨設備建立、編輯和分享文件。

雲端服務:Microsoft 365 提供基於雲端的服務,如 OneDrive 用於檔案儲存和分享,Exchange Online 用於電子郵件和行事曆,SharePoint Online 用於協作和文件管理,以及 Microsoft Teams 用於團隊溝通和協作。

溝通和協作:Microsoft 365 提供各種工具,以促進團隊和組織內部的溝通和協作。例如,Microsoft Teams 允許用戶進行聊天、語音和視訊通話,進行線上會議,並實時共同編輯文件。

安全和合規性:Microsoft 365 包含內建的安全功能,以保護資料並協助滿足合規要求。它提供高級威脅保護、資料遺失防護、加密和安全驗證選項,以保護資訊並確保隱私。

更新和支援:透過 Microsoft 365,用戶可以定期獲得最新版本和功能的更新。Microsoft 也提供支援服務,以協助用戶解決任何技術問題或疑問。

Microsoft 365 透過不同的訂閱計劃提供,以滿足不同用戶需求,包括個人、家庭、商業和企業選項。這些計劃可能提供不同的應用程式和服務,以及不同的儲存限制和使用者許可證。

傳統的 Office 中,您會發現全新的筆跡工具、資料類型、函數、翻譯和編輯工具、動畫圖形、易於使用的功能等等!可以插入不同的向量圖形及圖示,以致不失圖像品質。可以隨時隨地為不同詞語、句子或文章翻譯成不同的語言,方便閱讀及編輯。利用筆跡工具在文件上記錄,提醒重要之處及轉為圖片方便使用。

傳統的 Office 當中,你可以學習到如何建立自己獨有的格式,有理地管理文件。亦學習到如何建立表單,以作問卷調查文本設計。利用不同表格、圖表及圖片等,不同工具建立文本。亦會學習到如何上傳到雲端上,作多人共享存取。如何設立密碼保護文本。最後把文本匯出不同格式,整理各方面使用。




FevaWorks 為全港最大微軟認可培訓中心之一:

Feva Works 為 Microsoft 指定認可培訓學校提供相關課程



若想更了解以上資訊,歡迎致電 3106 8211 查詢。
Module 1 - Getting Started with Microsoft Office (2 Hrs)

Getting Started


Microsoft 365 online basic

3. Word 365 new features
4. Excel 365 new features
5. PowerPoint 365 new features
6. Document collaboration and co-authoring
Module 2 - Microsoft OneNote (1 Hrs)
1. OneNote basics
2. Take Note
3. Sync and Share
4. Work with images
5. Stay Organized
Module 3 - Microsoft Word – Core (3 Hrs)
1. Managing Document
Converting a document to pdf
Opening and editing PDF content in Word
Recovering unsaved document
2. Page Layout
Page Orientation
Paper Size
3. Font Formatting
Formatting text
Copy formatting
4. Paragraph Formatting
Line spacing
5. Creating Content
Creating a Quick Parts
Inserting a Quick Parts to a document
Changing the Content of a Quick Parts
Renaming a Quick Parts
Deleting a Quick Parts
6. Controlling Page Appearance
Inserting Page Break
Removing Page Break / Section Break
Inserting Section Break
7. Page Numbering
Inserting page numbering
Delete page numbers
Adding different page numbers or number formats to different sections
8. Creating Header / Footer
Header and Footer
Editing a header or footer
 Removing all headers / footers
9. Newsletter Columns
Creating Newsletter Columns
Module 4 - Microsoft Word – Advanced (3 Hrs)
1. Multi-level Numbering
Inserting Multi-level list
Demoting and Promoting Lines On Your Multilevel List
Create a new multilevel list style to add to the gallery
2. Using Styles
Applying styles
Modifying a style by updating it to match formatting in your document
Modify a style manually in the Modify Style dialog box
Create a new style based on document formatting
Save a custom theme for reuse
3. Creating a Table of Contents
Creating the table of contents
Updating the Table of Contents
Customizing the Table of Contents
Deleting the Table of Contents
4. Footnotes or Endnotes
Inserting Footnotes or Endnotes
Converting Footnotes to Endnotes (or vice versa)
Removing Footnote or Endnote
5. Using Index
Creating an Index Using a Concordance File
Auto marking your Text
Inserting an Index
Updating an index
Removing Index Entries
6. Using Mail Merge
Mail merge using an Excel spreadsheet
How to format specific mail merge fields?
Mail merge: number format
Mail merge: currency format
Mail merge: percentage format
Mail merge: date and time format
7. Tables
Inserting a Table
Designing a Table
Display or hide table gridlines in a document
Prevent a table row from breaking across pages
Force a table to break across pages at a particular rows
Delete columns and rows in a table
Add columns and rows in a table
Merge or split cells
Resizing a table, column, or row
8. Collaborating on Documents
Tracking Changes
Keep Track Changes on
Turn off Track Changes
Changing options for Track Changes
Accepting or rejecting tracked changes
Inserting or deleting a comment
Replying to comments in a document
Marking comments as done
Delete a comment
 Protect a document with a password
 Removing a password from a document
Module 5 - Microsoft Excel – Core (3 Hrs)
1. Basic Workbook Skills
Selecting specific cells or ranges
Selecting Rows, Columns, and Special Ranges
Entering data
Special Pasting
Freezing panes to lock rows and columns
Page Setup
Scaling a worksheet before print
Printing row and column headings
2. Adding Headers / Footers / Page Number
Adding Header Or Footer to a worksheet in Page Layout view
Removing Header And Footers
Removing all Headers Or Footers at once
3. Printing a Worksheet and Workbook
Setting Printing Options
Printing one or several worksheets
4. Formatting Cells
Format numbers as currency
Format a date the way you want
Create a custom date format
Create a custom number format
5. Analysing Trends in data using Sparklines
Inserting a Sparkline
Customizing your Sparklines
6. Applying Conditional Formatting
Highlight Cells Rules
Top / Bottom
Data Bars
Icon Sets
Manage Rules
Clear Rules
7. Data Validation
Adding Data Validation to a cell or range
Display an optional input message
Specify an optional alert or error message when invalid data is entered
8. Creating a Formula by using a Function
About the syntax of functions
Creating a formula by using a function
The difference between absolute, relative and mixed references
9. Maths Functions
Module 6 - Microsoft Excel - Advanced (3 Hrs)
1. Date and Time Functions
2. Text Functions
3. Logical Functions
4. Lookup Functions
5. Statistical Functions
6. Analysing Data using Analyze Data
7. Using PivotTables to Analyse Your Data
Creating a PivotTable
Building out your PivotTable
Refreshing PivotTables
Changing or updating PivotTable data
Changing Report Layout
Changing the number format for a field
Filtering Data using Slicer
Grouping or Ungrouping data in a PivotTable report
8. Password protect worksheet or workbook elements
Protecting an Excel file
Unprotecting an Excel file
Protecting worksheet elements
Locking only specific cells and ranges in a protected worksheet
Module 7 -  Microsoft PowerPoint (3 Hrs)
1. Creating a Basic PowerPoint Presentation
Choosing the right view for the task in PowerPoint
Views for creating your presentation
Views for delivering and viewing a presentation
Creating a PowerPoint Presentation
Adding text to placeholder
Adding New Slide
Saving your presentation file
2. Understanding Slide Layout
What is slide layout?
Applying a layout to a slide
Changing the size of your slides
3. Understanding Theme
Overview of Office themes
Adding colour and design to my slides
4. Get Design Ideas
5. Using Slide Master?
What is a slide master?
Creating or customizing a slide master
Saving your Master to your Theme
6. Working with Shapes
Adding shapes
Inserting Icons
Inserting 3d Models
Change how your 3D models look in Office
Adding a shape fill or effect
Moving a objects forward or backward
Grouping objects
Ungrouping objects
Changing the size of a picture, shape, WordArt, or other object
Rotating a text box, shape, WordArt, or picture
Using the Selection pane to manage objects in documents
7. Working with Graphics
Inserting Pictures
Working with pictures
Changing the brightness, contrast, or sharpness of a picture
Recolouring a picture or clip art
Applying an artistic effect
Removing a picture background
Cropping a picture or place it in a shape
Combining shapes to create a custom shape
Using eyedropper to match colours on your slide
Aligning or arranging an objects
Using Edit Points to change a shape
Resetting Picture
Compressing a picture
8. Using SmartArt
Overview of SmartArt graphics
Creating a SmartArt graphic
About the Text pane
Converting slide text to a SmartArt graphic
Changing the colours of an entire SmartArt graphic
Applying a style to your SmartArt graphic
Creating an Organization Chart
Adding boxes / Deleting boxes in your organisation chart
Changing the layout of your organization chart
9. Slide Transitions and Animation Effect
About transitions
Adding a transition to a slide
Removing a transition
How to set up a Morph transition
Applying an animation effect to text or objects
Animating text or objects
Removing an Animation Effect
10. Using zoom for PowerPoint
Create a summary zoom
Slide zoom
11. Multi-media
Insert video
Inserting Online Video
Previewing a video
Editing and formatting videos
12. Organizing your PowerPoint slides into sections
Adding a section
Renaming / Moving a section
Removing a section
13. Presenting a Slide Show
Rehearse your slide show with Speaker Coach
Using keyboard shortcuts to deliver your presentation
Starting a slide show presentation
14. Printing Presentation Slides
Printing your handouts, notes, or slides
Showing footer information on your slides
Changing the starting slide number



合共: 18小時

課程費用: $1500

於10月24日或之前報名,可享超級優惠價 $1500 (原價: $4,980) 及免費送你 i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年),價值 $1999

免費送你 Microsoft 365 個人版 (12個月, 盒裝版),價值 $540







退款安排: 本中心備有完善之退款政策及程序。學生將會於報讀課程前獲發有關之文件,學員亦可按此閱讀。


本中心備有完善之免費補堂,免費重讀及彈性上課安排 (民航處認可課程/攝影課程除外),令學員更有保障。

本中心榮獲各大國際機構 (Adobe, Autodesk, Microsoft, H3C, Lenovo, Corel, Prometric, VUE, Certiport, Wacom 等等) 邀請成為香港區指定的認可教育中心及連續15+ 年榮獲香港社會服務聯會嘉許為「商界展關懷」公司,以表揚 Feva Works 對社會的貢獻。

除此之外,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲 Microsoft 頒發全港最佳 Microsoft 授權培訓中心 (Best Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions of the Year) 及被 Adobe 選定為 Adobe CS4 & CS5 & CS6 & Creative Cloud 指定認可培訓中心。最近,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲e-zone 電腦雜誌頒發最佳IT培訓中心。

部份課程提供混合模式上課,學生可因應情況選擇以網上方式或面授方式上課。想進一步查詢詳情,可致電熱線 3106 8211。
本中心歡迎各公司、機構或團體包團報讀課程,安排公司活動或同事培訓。想進一步查詢詳情,可致電熱線 3748 9826。

日期 待定
時間 待定
合共 18小時
地點 待定