Certificate in ChatGPT for Marketing & Ecommerce - Feva Works IT Education Centre

Certificate in ChatGPT for Marketing & Ecommerce IP15MASTERMKTG
FevaWorks 22 周年特別優惠

於10月24日或之前報名,享超級優惠價 $200 換取 iPad 10th generation (價值$ 2,799) 或可享超級優惠價 $5,999 換購最新 iPhone 16 Pro 128GB (價值$ 8,599) 或二人同行,免費獲得最新 iPhone 16 128GB (價值$ 6,899) 乙部。

你亦可以優惠價升級至其他型號包括 iPad Air, iPad Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max 等等

免費送你 i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年),價值 $1999。



全球著名人工智能研究實驗室OpenAI於2022年11月底推出生成式AI(Generative Artificial Intelligence)工具「ChatGPT」,展現上知天文、下知地理的超凡對答表現,短短兩個月內已吸引全球逾1億用戶使用,成為科技史上用戶增長最快的網上應用程式。因此,2023年已被視為生成式AI的大爆發元年!

活用 ChatGPT 強化營銷競爭力


在AI輔助下,營銷人員可以在短時間內製作出獨特且能引起共鳴的文案內容,不但有助改善公司形象,提升品牌認知度(Brand Awareness),更可以協助品牌有效推出高轉換率(Conversion Rate)的推廣活動。

掌握 AI 助你職場之路走得更遠

國際市調機構 Gartner 的策略性技術趨勢報告預測,及至 2025 年生成式 AI 產製的內容,將佔全球數碼內容 10%。同時,參照 Gartner 提出的技術成熟度曲線(Gartner Hype Cycle),生成式 AI 現正邁向主流市場應用的高峰期。因此,未來世界未必是 AI 取代人類,而是那些懂得用 AI 輔助工作的人取代不懂用 AI 的人。


Fevaworks為大家精心打造【Certificate in ChatGPT for Marketing & Ecommerce】課程,教導你如何寫出有效的AI提示詞(Prompts),驅使ChatGPT輔助創作文案內容,並應用於不同的數碼營銷策略,包括:搜尋引擎優化(SEO)、內容行銷(Content Marketing)、社交媒體推廣(Social Media Marketing)、數碼廣告(Digital Advertising),以及電子商務營銷(Ecommerce Marketing)等,讓你在AI主導的數碼轉型浪潮中,可以想追求更好的職場生涯。


1. 想增加網頁流量的網站管理人

2. 想提高網店生意額的老闆

3. 想自我增值、培養新技能的行政人員

4. 想運用創意文案進行推廣的數碼營銷人員

5. 曾修讀 Certificate in Digital Marketing、想用ChatGPT強化數碼營銷競爭力的學員

6. 曾修讀 Certificate in Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy、想用ChatGPT協助文案創作的學員


Mr. Leung

Mr. Leung is a Digital Marketing Coach & Consultant with 20 years of progressive experience in online media operations, web analytics, digital marketing, and content strategy.

He has played a leading role in a wide range of digital projects including infotainment portal, online community, e-commerce system, location-based platform, and mobile app, providing in-depth technical evaluation and strategic marketing proposals to meet the evolving demands from the public users and the corporate clients.

As an experienced digital marketer, Mr. Leung has delivered lectures on a range of programs from Search Engine Optimization & Content Marketing to Social Media Strategy & Digital Marketing Analytics in different local educational institutes. Having graduated with a Master of Science in Business Information Technology at Middlesex University London, he has developed both his practical and theoretical knowledge in digital media.




若想更了解以上資訊,歡迎致電 3106 8211 查詢。

Module 1: Introduction to ChatGPT and AI Prompts

  • What is Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and How OpenAI ChatGPT Works
  • How toRegister OpenAI Account and Interact with ChatGPT for Marketing Purposes
  • Understand AI Prompts and How to Talk to ChatGPT
  • Write Effective AI Prompts that Generate Insightful and Unique Responses from ChatGPT
  • Understand Other ChatGPT-liked Chatbots including Microsoft Bing Chat, Google Bard, and Quora Poe
  • Discuss Ethical Considerations for Using Generative AI in Digital Marketing


Module 2: ChatGPT Usage for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Prompt ChatGPT to Cluster Keywords based on Marketing Funnel Stages & Search Intents
  • Craft Compelling Title Tag and Meta Description with the Aid of ChatGPT
  • Optimize Web Content with ChatGPT to Produce High-quality Copy that Ranks on Higher on Search Engine Result Page (SERP)
  • Use ChatGPT to Help Implement Basic Technical SEO Tactics
  • Leverage ChatGPT to Backlink Outreach Strategy and Find Popular Websites in Your Niche


Module 3: ChatGPT Usage for Content & Social Media Marketing

  • Use ChatGPT to Perform Content Research and Generate Topic Ideas that Ensure Your Content Dazzles Your Audience
  • Leverage ChatGPT to Conjure Up Rock-solid Outlines that Lay the Groundwork for Your Articles and Blog Posts
  • Request ChatGPT to Lend a Helping Hand in Proofreading & Polishing Your Content
  • Utilize ChatGPT to Build Different Types of Long-form Content like Blog Posts and E-books
  • Prompt ChatGPT to Spark Social Media Post Ideas and Whip Up the Engaging Captions for Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook
  • Command ChatGPT to Create Mesmerizing Subject Lines and Email Copy that Bewitch Your Subscribers


Module 4: ChatGPT Usage for Ecommerce Marketing & Advertising

  • Prompt ChatGPT to Identify Ecommerce Market Opportunities & Trends
  • Request ChatGPT to Assess Ecommerce Competitor Marketing Tactics & Product Offering
  • Utilize ChatGPT to Explore Audience Demographics for Your Products and Segment Your Customer
  • Leverage ChatGPT to Produce Catchy Ecommerce Product Name & Persuasive Product Descriptions
  • Use ChatGPT Prompt for Building Conversion-worthy Ecommerce Landing Pages
  • Command ChatGPT to Create Compelling Facebook Ads & Google Ads that Get Your Promotion Message and Drive More Conversions



Note: The course outline is subject to change based on the needs and requirements of the students and the latest updates in the market.



合共: 12小時

課程費用: $5000

於10月24日或之前報名,享超級優惠價 $200 換取 iPad 10th generation (價值$ 2,799) 或可享超級優惠價 $5,999 換購最新 iPhone 16 Pro 128GB (價值$ 8,599) 或二人同行,免費獲得最新 iPhone 16 128GB (價值$ 6,899) 乙部。

你亦可以優惠價升級至其他型號包括 iPad Air, iPad Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max 等等

免費送你 i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年),價值 $1999。






退款安排: 本中心備有完善之退款政策及程序。學生將會於報讀課程前獲發有關之文件,學員亦可按此閱讀。


本中心備有完善之免費補堂,免費重讀及彈性上課安排 (民航處認可課程/攝影課程除外),令學員更有保障。

本中心榮獲各大國際機構 (Adobe, Autodesk, Microsoft, H3C, Lenovo, Corel, Prometric, VUE, Certiport, Wacom 等等) 邀請成為香港區指定的認可教育中心及連續15+ 年榮獲香港社會服務聯會嘉許為「商界展關懷」公司,以表揚 Feva Works 對社會的貢獻。

除此之外,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲 Microsoft 頒發全港最佳 Microsoft 授權培訓中心 (Best Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions of the Year) 及被 Adobe 選定為 Adobe CS4 & CS5 & CS6 & Creative Cloud 指定認可培訓中心。最近,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲e-zone 電腦雜誌頒發最佳IT培訓中心。

部份課程提供混合模式上課,學生可因應情況選擇以網上方式或面授方式上課。想進一步查詢詳情,可致電熱線 3106 8211。
本中心歡迎各公司、機構或團體包團報讀課程,安排公司活動或同事培訓。想進一步查詢詳情,可致電熱線 3748 9826。
日期 2024/11/06 - 2024/11/27
時間 19:00-22:00 (WED)
合共 12小時
地點 網上 Online Live (Microsoft Teams)
費用 $ 5000

日期 2024/12/13 - 2025/01/10
時間 19:00-22:00 (FRI)
合共 12小時
地點 網上 Online Live (Microsoft Teams)
費用 $ 5000