於2月11日或之前報名,可享超級優惠價 $1500 (原價: $3,000) 及免費送你 i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年),價值 $2999

- Overview of Video Production and AI
- Concept Development and Brainstorming
- Scriptwriting and Storyboarding
- Budgeting, Scheduling, and Casting
- Text-to-Image Tools: Creating Visuals for Storyboards
Module 2: Post-Production
- Video Editing and AI Tools
- Color Correction and Graphics
- Creating Thumbnails with AI
Comparison on Subscription plans
Ways to Subscribe to a plan (students will need a standard subscription)
- Manage your plan
- Cancellation of your plan
- Text-to-Video Generation: Transforming Scripts into Visuals
- Text-to-AI Avatar Creation: Generating Virtual Presenters
- Review and Final Edits
- Audio Editing Basics
- Text-to-Audio Tools: Generating Voiceovers and Sound Effects
- Integrating Video and Audio AI
- Enhancing Storytelling with AI
- Video Formatting and Sharing
- Gathering Feedback and Reflection
合共: 9小時
課程費用: $1500
於2月11日或之前報名,可享超級優惠價 $1500 (原價: $3,000) 及免費送你 i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年),價值 $2999
本中心備有完善之免費補堂,免費重讀及彈性上課安排 (民航處認可課程/攝影課程除外),令學員更有保障。
本中心榮獲各大國際機構 (Adobe, Autodesk, Microsoft, H3C, Lenovo, Corel, Prometric, VUE, Certiport, Wacom 等等) 邀請成為香港區指定的認可教育中心及連續15+ 年榮獲香港社會服務聯會嘉許為「商界展關懷」公司,以表揚 Feva Works 對社會的貢獻。

除此之外,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲 Microsoft 頒發全港最佳 Microsoft 授權培訓中心 (Best Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions of the Year) 及被 Adobe 選定為 Adobe CS4 & CS5 & CS6 & Creative Cloud 指定認可培訓中心。最近,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲e-zone 電腦雜誌頒發最佳IT培訓中心。