Certificate in Data Science with Python
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課程費用: $7500





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理論: 0小時 實習: 30小時 示範: 0小時

合共: 30小時


Certificate in Data Science with Python (30hrs)
1. Data Management with Python - Part One
Python basic: data structures, list and dictionary, for loop/if statement, define function
2. Data Management with Python - Part Two
Pandas: series / dataframe
3. Data Management with Python - Part Three (Data Visualization Techniques)
Practical use of pandas features: data aggregation / joining / datetime management etc Different types of charts
Different types of charts
4. Web scraping with Python
Use of beautifulSoup and selenium
5. Overview of the use of machine learning
Supervised learning / unsupervised learning
Model Evaluation
Data mining workflow
6. Tree based Machine Learning Algorithms
Decision tree algorithm / random forest
7. Artificial neural network (ANN) & Deep learning
ANN and DNN with tensorflow
8. Clustering Algorithms
Kmeans and other algorithms
9. Regression
Linear and polynomial regression techniques
10. Text analytics with Python
Text mining techniques


Note: The course outline is subject to change based on the needs and requirements of the students and the latest updates in the market.


如有任何有關課程之查詢,歡迎致電 3106 8211 與我們的客戶關係主任聯絡。
日期 28/11/2024~13/2/2025 (THU)
時間 19:00~22:00 
合共 30 小時
上課地點 北角分校
課程費用 $ 7500

日期 13/12/2024~28/2/2025 (FRI)
時間 19:00~22:00 
合共 30 小時
上課地點 長沙灣分校
課程費用 $ 7500